The Official Andy Grammer Street Team

Rebuilding the Spirit of Community in America

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Rebuilding the Spirit of Community in America

Postby onamissionfromgod on Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:48 pm

I'm not sure if this is the proper way to go about this, or even if someone from Andy's organization will see it or if anything will ever come of it. But that being said, lol, I've have an idea that may help start addressing one of the crucial problems I feel we as a nation are facing right now. Community, people knowing their neighbors, getting involved, communicating, helping and watching out for one another, as we ALL SHOULD be doing. I've been homeless off and on for the past several years, fighting for my social security disability (still fighting for it as of the writing of this), and have been developing some sort of social conscience I never experienced previously. I've seen a great many things, many different places, and a myriad of different people in all circles of life (don't get me wrong, I've barely scratched the surface and realize that there's still so MUCH to learn, see and experience I'll never finish lol) and felt convicted by the Holy Spirit ( I'm guessing, kinda new stuff for me here ) to make the effort to do something about. Try and help people remember who they are, what they're missing out on by closing themselves off, and find new effective ways to break down barriers to real open and honest dialog between each other. Here's where it gets a little weird, lol, I can see a Nationwide Block Party Tour, sponsored maybe by some energy drink company, Doritos, Pepsi, etc. Bringing back the Spirit of Community by reinstating Block Party cookout gatherings all across the country. Live stream the whole thing maybe even, Corporate sponsorship s, publicizing the heck out of it and getting the sponsors to foot the bill to go around the country bringing the country together, one community at a time, one block at a time! Block parties that are substance and alcohol free, all ages MUST be included, no one left out. Maybe get perofrming artists from some of the neighborhoods we go to donate their performance for their respective communities?

I sincerely pray this makes it's way to someone who is able to make this or something like it happen!

Sincerely, God's Humble Servant
Jason Jones
Stubborn Irishman
Posts: 1
Joined: Sat Dec 30, 2017 9:15 pm

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