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Andy Grammer EP Download Day

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:41 pm
by avrilandandyfan
Alright everyone so the EP is out and currently in the top 30 which is great but it clearly needs to do better so more people can hear the fantastic music he has to offer. Which is why I propose a download day, it is something me and other Avril fans over at bandaids have done and has proved to be very beneficial. I think the best date is next week on Wednesday where everyone gets on itunes, shares the link and just downloads it like crazy, wait you already bought a copy? Great thing about itunes is you can gift the album to other people! So why not spread the lo :mrgreen: ve?

Re: Andy Grammer EP Download Day

PostPosted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 8:35 pm
by r93
This sounds awesome! I'm down.

Re: Andy Grammer EP Download Day

PostPosted: Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:49 am
by zaomaohao
Now, as most everyone knows testking GSEC braindumps I am a huge Avril fan and every year we make something for Avril. Why not do it for Andy? So what does it involve? Well, in a few weeks I will have a lot of free time and along with the twitter campaign we can also do a video for Andy! The video will be something like this